Statement urging UN Envoy Jan Kubis Not to Allow Any obstruction of the Direct Presidential and Parliamentarian Elections
July 01, 2021

His Excellency Mr. Ján Kubiš,
Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General
and Head of the United Nations Support Mission to Libya (UNSMIL)
Your Excellency, Dear Mr. Kubis,
Greetings. It is indeed tragic that UNSMIL disregarded the outputs of the Legal Committee, and allowed the fielding of ‘Proposals’ by newly formed pressure groups within the LPDF.
May I remind Your Excellency of Appendix 13 of the Sanctions Committee Report, and which was unfortunately never made public, that sheds great doubt about the integrity of the way the current Prime Minister and his associates came to power. The same tactics used in that defective process appear to be in the works, once again.
As of yesterday, the Prime Minister’s associates have been able to form a potent ‘Elections-Obstruction Group’ that was tragically allowed to submit their obstruction as a ‘Proposal’ through the UNSMIL-determined process.
Acceptance of any Elections postponement or cancellation, or truncation of direct Presidential Elections, constitute clear violations of the latest UN Security Council Resolutions, and of Berlin I and II, as well as the agreed LPDF Roadmap. Such moves will inevitably cause great social upheaval, and may directly lead to further civil strife in a Libya that has already suffered a decade of civil wars.
The UN Security Council, according to the latest UN Security Council Resolutions, under Chapter 7, should simply impose direct Presidential and Parliamentarian Elections, using existing Libyan laws: Seventh Amendment of the Constitutional Declaration, plus Decree 5/2014. Libya’s top juridical minds have all agreed that such a basis is juridically valid. The great Dr. Kuni Abouda, and Dr. Azza al-Maghur can advise your esteemed Mission on the legality of such a basis.
Forgive me, Your Excellency, but this morning I am truly worried for my country. If the Libyan people are deprived, once again, of their rights to choose directly their own leadership and representatives, come December 24th, only God knows what darkness lurks on our nation’s horizon.
May God save Libya!
Best regards.
Aref Ali Nayed,
Chairman, Ihya Libya (Reviving Libya)