
Caring for Our Country

Home / Development Pillars / Human Development / Caring for Our Country

Pillar Objectives

Libya’s success in formulating and implementing social policies should be measured by the quality of life achieved by the country’s most disadvantaged. The experience of other post-conflict countries has shown that economic growth, rising levels of education, and employment expansion will not eliminate and may even aggravate inequalities between different communities and regions unless corrective steps are taken. Measures to reduce and alleviate inequalities must be targeted at the most deprived areas to reduce regional disparities within the country.


Next Objective:

Building Strong and Prosperous Communities

Transformation Projects for Caring for Our Country

Transformation Project Profile

Community-based rehabilitation is aimed at providing communities with support to improve public service delivery, provide more equitable opportunities, and promote and protect the human rights of disabled people. Integrated strategies must be employed so that the disabled are empowered through the provision of education and vocational training, healthcare, social programs, and legislation that ensures their full representation in society.

Transformation Project Objective

  • Support the development of disabled person's organizations to inform legislation, social programs, and rehabilitation treatment, focusing on psycho-social support, economic assistance, changing public attitudes, and addressing educational integration issues
  • Help communities accept, respect, and appreciate the abilities of disabled people
  • Provide meaningful work and training to allow the disabled to improve their own lives and contribute to society

Transformation Project Profile

Social policies must protect individuals and families from difficulties that impact their ability to participate in society and earn an acceptable standard of living. More effective social policies and programs can provide a social safety net for all Libyans, integrate vulnerable groups into the workforce and society, and promote increased coordination of service delivery.

Transformation Project Objective

  • Convene a multi-stakeholder committee to assess the needs of vulnerable groups and reform the social protection system
  • Strengthen the capacity of ministries and municipal service providers to monitor and assess the needs of vulnerable groups
  • Improve vocational and occupational rehabilitation programs to support the inclusion of people with disabilities
  • Develop a framework for the private sector to contribute to national social protection strategies

Transformation Project Profile

Individuals with mental and physical disabilities are often capable of being productive members of the workforce and community. The disabled have traditionally been ostracized by Libyan society and have not been encouraged to participate in public life. Steps need to be taken to adapt work and community environments to allow for inclusive participation of the disabled.

Transformation Project Objective

  • Provide employment opportunities for the disabled
  • Adapt public spaces and private offices to make them accessible for the disabled
  • Educate the public about disabilities to alleviate fears and minimize ignorance
  • Create support groups for the disabled