
After years of suffering, a difficult struggle, and many lives lost, we must now address the security, economic, human development, and governance challenges our nation faces. Inspired by the traditional values of our great country, we formulated a national vision for the revival and thriving of Libya for the next six years called Ihya Libya Vision 2030.

About Us / Introduction to Ihya Libya Vision 2030

Libya Needs a New Way Forward

It is critically important that we have a clear vision for where we want our country to be and how to get there to direct our national focus as we confront Libya’s post-conflict challenges.

It is with great pleasure that I present this vision for change to begin the process of bringing Ihya Libya Vision 2030 to the forefront of national thinking. This vision identifies the major challenges that will need to be addressed in the next few years. The vision advances 100 transformation projects that the Libyan government must focus on to resolve key constraints to achieving a stable, democratic, and prosperous Libya.

We must now begin the process of refining these transformation projects to turn them into implementable programs that will bring Ihya Libya Vision 2030 into reality. To be successful, initial efforts of the next government must be directed at stabilization and reconstruction through national and local dialogue and reconciliation in parallel with pursuing priority economic, human development, and public sector reforms.

By launching this citizen portal, we want to establish a shared purpose for all Libyans that serves as a bond to build a better future. I invite you to share your thoughts and engage with other Libyans on the future of our country on this website. We hope that the Ihya Libya Vision 2030 Citizen Portal and the accompanying document will become references that inform the country of the implementation progress of Ihya Libya Vision 2030.

I appeal to all Libyans to embrace Ihya Libya Vision 2030 and place it at the core of our national dialogue. It is my sincere hope that future governments will embrace Ihya Libya Vision 2030 and monitor and review our country’s performance against the targets it establishes for transformative change.

Dr. Aref Ali Nayed
Chairman, Libya Institute for Advanced Studies

More About us

The Need for Vision 2030

While the driving force behind our nation building experience so far has been our collective ambition for socio-economic and democratic transformation, Libya can do better.

Why 2030?

There are several visioning exercises taking place in Libya now. While all of these efforts agree on the need to envision future possibilities and to advance the necessary actions.

Transformation Journey

Ihya Libya Vision 2030 will be implemented in two successive phases. The first phase will focus on stabilization and reconstruction through national and local dialogue and reconciliation.