About Us
By the year 2030, Libya can be a stable, democratic, and prosperous nation where citizens enjoy a high standard of living. Ihya Libya Vision 2030 is based on four key areas of progress, or development pillars, and cross-cutting foundations that reinforce our vision for transformative change.
Creating Change for a Better Future
The four development pillars – Peace, Security, and Rule of law, Economic Development, Human Development, and Governance and Public Sector Reform – are the core bases upon which development plans from 2022 to 2030 will be built. Ihya Libya Vision 2030 translates the development pillars into a statement of achievable objectives accompanied by transformation projects. Transformation projects are key initiatives that will be implemented to turn Ihya Libya Vision 2030 into action. Ihya Libya Vision 2030 serves as a framework to guide critical analysis of the constraints that need to be overcome by 2030 and provides a reference for logical and sequential implementation instead of ad-hoc approaches that have been pursued in the past.

More About us
Introduction to Ihya Libya Vision 2030
After years of suffering, a difficult struggle, and many lives lost, we must now address the security, economic, human development, and governance challenges our nation faces.
The Need for Vision 2030
While the driving force behind our nation building experience so far has been our collective ambition for socio-economic and democratic transformation, Libya can do better.
Why 2030?
There are several visioning exercises taking place in Libya now. While all of these efforts agree on the need to envision future possibilities and to advance the necessary actions