Nayed Calls for a Debate Between all Presidential Candidates to Present Their Programs to the Libya Public
December 06, 2021

The Chairman of the Ihya Libya (Reviving Libya) Party and Presidential candidate, Dr. Aref Nayed, made a strong call for respecting the Libyan judiciary and the timely electoral process scheduled for 24 December, and to leave it to the concerned authorities to investigate any violations committed by election candidates.
In a post on Monday on his official social media sites, Dr Aref Nayed said that the “hour of truth has come” and urged all candidates to “submit to the Libyan people his/her CV, vision, and program.”
“Let us then all publicly debate, without hiding, without positions, without weapons, and without exceptions, in front of the Libyan people”, said Nayed.
He also called on everyone to “trust the people’s free choice on election day”, and to “commit to the results of the elections, no matter what they turn out to be.”
Nayed said categorically that he was “ready for any public debate, with all other candidates, as civil fellow-candidates, who have programs, and who accept the judgment and the choice of the Libyan people from amongst us.”