Transformation Project Profile
Transformation Project Objective
- Help address the marginalization of certain areas in the country and ensure that allocation of resources takes into account historical injustices
- Expand the accountability of local governments to comply with service quality standards
- Provide local government entities with the resources and tools to effectively provide basic services to citizens
Transformation Project Profile
Transformation Project Objective
- Implement customer registration, proof of identity systems, and smart identification cards to improve service accessibility and anticipate needs
- Co-locate public service delivery offices to provide one-stop-shop access to services
- Establish municipal hotlines and websites for accessing information and services
- Enable citizens to self-manage affairs through online services
- Establish a process to collaborate with citizens to understand needs and improve services
Transformation Project Profile
Transformation Project Objective
- Clarify the legal framework to define the role of the central government and municipalities in planning, financing, and management of public functions
- Ensure transparency in staffing, compensation, local administration, and service delivery
- Enhance reporting and auditing mechanisms to improve financial accounting and increase transparency in public spending
- Expand channels for citizen-civil servant communication for service improvement
Transformation Project Profile
Transformation Project Objective
- Provide single window access to government information and services
- Increase the ability to access government services via electronic channels, including telephones, mobile phones, tablets, and kiosks placed in central locations
- Provide a directory of government agencies and a repository for open data releases
- Provide access to government regulations, laws, plans, and initiatives
Transformation Project Profile
Transformation Project Objective
- Decentralization, including substantial fiscal decentralization, facilitates local sustainable development throughout the country
- Increase efficiency in determining the provision of services
- Facilitate the mobilization of local resources in support of the development process
- Curb extensive concentration of power by the central government
Transformation Project Profile
Transformation Project Objective
- Clarify the mandates of institutions responsible for planning, coordination, and monitoring and evaluation
- Require government agencies to establish planning, budgeting, coordination, and monitoring and evaluation divisions
- Establish cross-sectoral planning groups
- Strengthen the ability of government entities to analyze and incorporate economic, social, and other data into planning processes
- Integrate municipalities into the development planning process