Why 2030?

There are several visioning exercises taking place in Libya now. While all of these efforts agree on the need to envision future possibilities and to advance the necessary actions to convert possibilities into realities.

About Us / Why 2030?

Advancing a Shared Vision for Change

How does Ihya Libya Vision 2030 differ from other visions?

The possibilities diverge in their assumptions regarding the willingness of Libyans to wait for meaningful and visible progress towards stability and recovery.

Ihya Libya Vision 2030 assumes that Libyans are not willing to wait until 2040 or 2050 for change. Libyans want positive transformation now. Right now, security and the rule of law is lacking. Right now, economic performance is substandard. Right now, institutions that promote human development are weak. Right now, poor governance is compromising the rapidity and effectiveness of reforms.

This draft vision for Libya advances a framework within which national strategies and implementation plans can be developed for catalytic change by 2030. Ihya Libya Vision 2030 is an attempt to formulate a shared national vision to assist in building consensus on where Libya can be in five years. While this is a short time horizon for change, Ihya Libya Vision 2030 reflects the nation’s aspirations, determination, and commitment for immediate socio-economic and democratic transformation.

More About us

Transformation Journey

Ihya Libya Vision 2030 will be implemented in two successive phases. The first phase will focus on stabilization and reconstruction through national and local dialogue and reconciliation.

Consultation Process

Ihya Libya Vision 2030 was developed by a working group of Libyan citizens that includes  experts from several fields of importance to progress to Libya’s development.


Effective realization of Ihya Libya Vision 2030 hinges on its implementation, this vision advances a framework and broad strategies within which a national strategy will be developed.